International Journal of
TechnoChem Research

ISSN 2395 - 4248




  • Published and released Journal issue of 2021
  • Published and released Journal issue of 2021


Evaluation the Role of Intercropping Culture in Protection of Potato Plants under Fruit Trees Against Some Sucking Insect Pests and its Relation with Productivity



Field experiments were conducted In winter season to study the effectiveness of integration of sticky color traps with intercropping of potato varieties (Spunta &NikolaVars) with garlic plants under fruit trees (Peach , Pear and Citrus) to suppress the insect infestation with the most serious sap sucking insects such as leafhoppers ,(Empoasca discipiens Paoli ,Cotton and tomato white fly,Bemisia tabaci (Gen and green peach aphid ,Myzus persicae Sulzer attacking potatoes as the most economic crop and its relationship with productivity.The experiments has been applied on a private farm at Noubariya provens ,Egypt . The results of field observation (out the garden of fruit trees) showed that intercropping culture for both Nikola and Spunta varieties with garlic plants was found to have lower insect infestation with B.tabaci, M.persicae and E.discipiens than those cultivated alone.Regarding cultivation under Peach trees ,there is no significant difference between the average number of counted insects caught by sticky traps neither in individual culture of Nikola variety (f = 3.88), nor in mixed culture (f = 0.20 and T = 1.78). The same trend was recorded with Spunta variety in each of single and mixing culture under citrus,trees(f=3.100&1.026),respectively. Highly significant difference between the average number of captured aphids in the field of Spunta and Nikola varieties mixed with garlic plants (F=6.81& 7.35),and between the average number of B. tabaci occurred on individually cultivated of Nikola variety(f = 14.23), while the difference was significant in intercropped with garlic under fruit trees(f = 3.61) . Both potato varieties (Spunta & Nikola) cultivated under citrus and pear trees were higher productivity than those cultivated under Peach trees.The average of net productivity per acer of spunta variety more than the variety of Nikola.The present results illustrated that the Garlic plants has potential effect as a repellent tool against piercing sucking insects that attack potato plants and the integration between the colored sticky traps and intercropping culture of potatoes with Garlic plants under citrus and pear trees leads to suppression of insect infestation, hence increase in net productivity of perfect tubers of potatoes per acre and increase income of farmers. Key words: Potato varieties (Spunta & Nikola).Piercing sucking insect, intercropping culture, the sticky traps, Fruit trees and productivity.

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